Stoneburg Baptist Church

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Stoneburg Baptist Church
8266 US Hwy. 81 North
Bowie, Texas 76230
(9 miles N of Bowie on US Hwy 81)
Pastor’s Phone (940) 781-3676

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Pastor, Larry Kennedy

8266 US Hwy 81 N

Bowie, Texas 76230


Cell # 940-781-3676


You also have available "God's Sense".  It is a synopsis of the service for that week. 

We believe these will be something for you to ponder.

Stoneburg Baptist Church Purpose Statement

A small country Church that stresses love and fellowship, proclaiming the teachings of the Biblical
Jesus, by ministry and worship through the power of the Holy Spirit.


"God's work done God's way will not lack God's support!"


Joining the Church

** By profession of faith in Jesus Christ, follow by baptism.

** By transfer of letter from another Christ centered Church.

** By statement of faith in Jesus Christ, having been baptized by immersion after trusting Christ.


How to become a Christian

**Understand-God loves you no matter what you have done. (John 3:16)

**Repent-Turn away from your sin to follow God's
 new direction for your life. (Romans 3:23)

**Confess-Acknowledge Jesus as the Lord of your life. (Romans 10:9)

**Receive- Through prayer, accept God's free gift of salvation. (Romans 6:23)


Schedule of activities.....

Sunday School 10:oo
Morning Worship 11:00

Bible Study 5:30
Faith Friend-zy Wednesday 4:00-6:00

Monthly Activities.....

First Wednesday--Youth Pizza Night
Second Sunday--Church Lunch
 Business Meeting--following Church Lunch
(both following morning services)
Third Sunday--Special Sunday
(audience participation)
Last Sunday--Church Breakfast
(Before Sunday School 9:3o)
Faith Friend-zy each Wednesday 4:00-6:00
(These may change according to the needs of that particular months calendar. Check the Church calendar for specifics.)




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A small country Church that stresses God's love!


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 Facebook: Stoneburg Baptist Church